Sunday, December 26, 2010

Merry Merry Merry Xmas....

Merry Merry Merry Xmas, not sure how you have spent this feastive season. I managed to go to church on the real day - xmas day.
I really used to like Xmas as a kid. I guess we all did. Now as an adult, nothing much is thrilling any more. Nothing much. Yes, I still love the Christmas trees, I have decorated the one in the pic on the left, and I hope I will decorate all trees with my kids. I love the carols too. My favourite is "When a  child is Born" not sure who was the original composer but its just a classic.

Basically to me, apart from driving 410 KM from Kampala to Kabale,  decorating the family Christmas tree and listening to Carols on my lappy, nothing else is there to look foward too. I must admit that most people are in a jolly mood and I look fowarrd to that too - especially the local people. They are all very smart and basically party and share the little that they have. Its so humbling at times to see such in our loal villages.

So this Xmas season, I hope that I truelly find the meaning of xmas in my life, that I may not only look forward to decorating the trees and listening to the carols. 

You know I was touched  by a  young lady who had to work  on Xmas day. Those of you in Kampala know how wet the rains made the day. This pretty young beautiful lady had  to go to work, being xmas, there were few taxis and very expensive too. No boda boda so she had to walk all the way to the hospital so as to help the patients. She called it her worst Christmas. However, I was touched by her sense of commitment - while many of us where busy on holidays, she had to endure the rains and make it to the hospital. She smiled as  she served the clients - they were few clients. She  made me realise that Xmas is about presence. 

Merry Xmas to you all.

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