Monday, May 17, 2010

Taking the Leap...

“Come to the edge, he said.
They said: We are afraid.
Come to the edge, he said.
They came.
He pushed them
and they flew....”
by... Guillaume Apollinaire

I wonder how many times many of us hear that voice calling us to go the edge. To go and take a leap. A leap into the unkown.

If you have no idea what leap am talking about, then you should not be reading this particular topic on this blog. I suggest that you stop here. But if you are like me and have been hearing that voice, that inner conviction that you need to take a leap, then I am sure that you have found a companion.

From the days when I was in high school, it was clear at what age I would venture into full time enterprenuership. I knew the stage and was very sure I would make it. Throughout my university days, I prepared myself by reading all the materials that I came across then that were connectd to enterprenuership (ofcourse I read lots about coding too back then). Well, I guess you may think that I am ready now. That I have always planned it from way back.

Truth is that I am not. The voice keeps telling me that I have to take the leap. That the time is ripe. That it is now . That the stage is now. That the age is now. But am afraid to fly into the unknown.

The voice keeps telling me to move from the category of wannabeprenuer to that of enterpreneuer. But the price to pay while crossing that bridge,hmmm, it seems tight. I have weighed all. I know whats at stake. I know what I will sacrifice. I know the journey across will be an interesting one – I have always loved challenges and maybe thats the reason the inner voice keeps telling me to take the leap.

You see I am very sure that all the obstacles that are stopping me from taking the leap are not real. They are just percieved. Its only the fear of the unkown that is making me develop cold feet.

And now that I think about it, the more I am conviced that I need to take the leap. Maybe I should first hop, then skip and finally take the leap. But finally I still take the leap anyway. You must be wondering why I am delaying the obvious.
Well, definatley your not in my shoes so its easy for you to think and say, why doesnt he make up his mind? But if you have ever left that comfort zone of a well salaried well paying Job and ventured into enterprenuership, then you know what I am talking about. However, if you have never, then you are right to think the way you are thinking.

You see, I too have been wondering if its right to follow my heart, to follow my gut feeling or to just go for the money. Maybe let me put it this way for you. “When it comes to making the leap from employee to full-time entrepreneur, do you follow your heart, your gut or your money?

Let me know...


Innocent Kazooba said...
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Innocent Kazooba said...

Finally I took the leap. I quit my full day job and I am into entreprenuership and freelancing. Never been happy.